Question:I have a client that's been struggling with slow loading PDF files on the web. My client has some very large PDF files that are almost 10 Mb. They take upwards of 3-4 minutes to download. The files will not display until the whole file is loaded. We and they have seen other's sites where the PDF load one page at a time, so the end user can start looking at the file as the rest of the page is still loading in the background. Gives the illusion that the page has loaded faster. According to the documentation they see, IIS 6 should automatically do this if the PDF file is created with “Optimized for fast web view” checked. It is checked, and the file will still not load a page at a time. They have searched and found nothing other than IIS will do this automatically if the file is saved correctly.
Answer: According to your description, Optimized for fast web view is kind of method to solve this problem. The reason of why optimizing can not work on your side we can check. But here we will introduce an optimizing method which will solve your matter easily. The software I use is named as VeryPDF PDF Linearization Optimizer Command Line, by which you can regroup the elements of a PDF file, and make all the information for displaying the first page located at the beginning of the file. We have tested this software many times, and it works for almost all the big PDF files. Please check more detail information of this software on homepage. In the following part, let us check how to use this software.
Step 1. Free download Linearization Optimizer Command Line
- As this is command line version software, when downloading finishes, there will be a zip file. Please extract it to some folder then you can check related elements and help documents.
- When you use this software, please refer to the usage and help documents.
- Here is the usage for your reference: pdfopt [options] <input PDF file> [<output PDF file>]
Step 2. Optimize PDF for fast website viewing.
- When optimize PDF, you may use the following parameters and command line templates:
mode <int> : select different modes to Linearize PDF file
-mode 0: Linearize PDF file automatically
-mode 1: mode 1 to Linearize PDF file
-mode 2: mode 2 to Linearize PDF file
-mode 3: mode 3 to Linearize PDF file
-mode 4: mode 4 to Linearize PDF file
pdfopt.exe C:\in.pdf C:\out.pdf
pdfopt.exe C:\in\*.pdf C:\out\*.pdf
for %F in (D:\test\*.pdf) do "pdfopt.exe" "%F" "%~dpnF-out.pdf"
This software provides five modes to optimize PDF, please choose the proper one according to your needs. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.