I am testing the command line program pdftr.exe and I found these issues when changing 2620247009 to 262024****:
* It writes the previous field with the content 1.53789 to the changed text - blue box in the attached Output.pdf.
* The font is not the same when the text has been changed - red box in the attached Output.pdf.
I attached also the original pdf file Daily_Statement_01-23-2018_01-23-2018_(20247009).pdf.
Is there a chance it can be fixed or is it the general problem when working with PDF?
Kind regards,
This is the output:
PS D:\pdftextreplacer_cmd> .\pdftr.exe -contentreplace "2620247009=>262024****" '.\Daily_Statement_01-23-2018_01-23-2018_(20247009).pdf' D:\Output.pdf
[Message] Trial version has some restrictions, please purchase full version to remove the restrictions.
[Message] You have 91 times to evaluate this software, you may purchase a full version from "https://www.verypdf.com" web site.
[Message] Try to replace text in page contents...
[ReplaceText] 2620247009=>262024****
[ContentParserExport] Processing page 1 of 2...
[Message] Output to "C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\vpdf-4020-1516846636-19564-2.txt" file.
[Not Found in] 'VeryPDF Software Demo Version (https://www.verypdf.com)'
[Not Found in] 'VeryPDF Software Demo Version (https://www.verypdf.com)'
[Message] Open "C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\vpdf-4020-1516846636-19564-2.txt" file.
[ContentParserExport] Processing page 2 of 2...
[Message] Output to "C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\vpdf-4020-1516846636-20204-3.txt" file.
[Not Found in] 'VeryPDF Software Demo Version (https://www.verypdf.com)'
[Not Found in] 'VeryPDF Software Demo Version (https://www.verypdf.com)'
[Message] Open "C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\vpdf-4020-1516846636-20204-3.txt" file.
[Warning] Failed to search keywords in PDF pages, we will switch to 'overlay' mode to try again.
[Message] Try to replace text by overlay mode...
[ReplaceText] 2620247009=>262024****
[ContentParserExport] Processing page 1 of 2...
[Found and Overlay] [INFO] We will find '2620247009' and overlay with '262024****'...
[Found and Overlay] '1.53789 2620247009'=>'1.53789 262024****'
[Found and Overlay] '1.53789 2620247009'=>'1.53789 262024****'
[Found and Overlay] '2620247009'=>'262024****'
[Found and Overlay] '2620247009'=>'262024****'
[ContentParserExport] Processing page 2 of 2...
[Found and Overlay] [INFO] We will find '2620247009' and overlay with '262024****'...
[Found and Overlay] [INFO] Nothing was found for '2620247009'...
[Message] Create "D:\Output.pdf" file successful.
We suggest you may use "-searchandoverlaytext" to instead of "-contentreplace" to try again, for example,
.\pdftr.exe -searchandoverlaytext "2620247009=>262024****" .\Daily_Statement_01-23-2018_01-23-2018_(20247009).pdf D:\Output.pdf
Will you work better with "-searchandoverlaytext" option?
Unfortunately your suggestion didn't change anything - see the attached pdf sample.
It finds always the preceding text [1.53789].
This is the output:
PS D:\pdftextreplacer_cmd> .\pdftr.exe -searchandoverlaytext "2620247009=>262024****" '.\Daily_Statement_01-23-2018_01-23-2018_(20247009).pdf' D:\Output.pdf
[Message] Trial version has some restrictions, please purchase full version to remove the restrictions.
[Message] You have 87 times to evaluate this software, you may purchase a full version from "https://www.verypdf.com" web site.
[Message] Try to replace text by overlay mode...
[ReplaceText] 2620247009=>262024****
[ContentParserExport] Processing page 1 of 2...
[Found and Overlay] [INFO] We will find '2620247009' and overlay with '262024****'...
[Found and Overlay] '1.53789 2620247009'=>'1.53789 262024****'
[Found and Overlay] '1.53789 2620247009'=>'1.53789 262024****'
[Found and Overlay] '2620247009'=>'262024****'
[Found and Overlay] '2620247009'=>'262024****'
[ContentParserExport] Processing page 2 of 2...
[Found and Overlay] [INFO] We will find '2620247009' and overlay with '262024****'...
[Found and Overlay] [INFO] Nothing was found for '2620247009'...
[Message] Create "D:\Output.pdf" file successful.
You may run following command line to try again,
pdftr.exe -wordbywordfrompdf 1 -replacesubstrings 1 -searchandoverlaytext "2620247009=>262024****" D:\input.pdf D:\_out.pdf
This is the screenshot of replacement in both input and output PDF files,
We hope this command line will work better for you.
See Also: