Hello VeryPDF,
I try with the following commands:
pdfprint -printer \\CESRV01\INFOTECISC30 3dskizze.pdf
Here all the prints was un A4 the printer has a A3 and a A4 papertray.
A3 to A0 should be on A3 papersize A4 on A4 papersize
pdfprint -printer pdfcreator 3dskizze.pdf
Here all the pages were A3 an not the original papersize A4 to A0.
What should we do that it works like this.
When printer has the papersize in a try or is a plotter then it should that always the biggest papersize it can use. If original size not availble then resize to the biggest papersize.
>>1. pdfprint -printer \\CESRV01\INFOTECISC30 3dskizze.pdf
>>Here all the prints was un A4 the printer has a A3 and a A4 papertray.
>>A3 to A0 should be on A3 papersize A4 on A4 papersize
You can use -chgbin or -papersource to change the papertray before
printing, e.g., A3, A2, A1, A0 to use A3 paper tray, A4 paper to use A4
paper try, please refer to following sample command lines,
pdfprint.exe -chgbin 15 -printer "docPrint" C:\input.pdf
pdfprint.exe -papersource "auto" -printer "docPrint" C:\input.pdf
pdfprint.exe -papersource "Tray 1" -printer "docPrint" C:\input.pdf
pdfprint.exe -papersource "Manual Feed" -printer "docPrint" C:\input.pdf
pdfprint.exe -papersource "Media Tray" -printer "docPrint" C:\input.pdf
pdfprint.exe -papersource "Tray 3" -settraytopclfile C:\test.pcl
>>2. pdfprint -printer pdfcreator 3dskizze.pdf
>>Here all the pages were A3 an not the original papersize A4 to A0.
You can set the paper size by manual, for example,
pdfprint -printer pdfcreator -paper 8 3dskizze.pdf
>>What should we do that it works like this.
>>When printer has the papersize in a try or is a plotter then it should that
>>always the biggest papersize it can use. If original size not availble then
>>resize to the biggest papersize.
Pdfprint.exe can't choose the paper tray automatically, you need use
-chgbin or -papersource parameter to change the papertray by manual.
in our pdfprint.exe -papersource is not a valid option see attached readme.txt, I can only use -paper.
As I understand -paper "pdf" would be the best option, but pdfprint only analyse the first sheet in der source pdf-file. So all sheet has the same size this of the first page.
In my example file 3dskizze.pdf it is A0 1'189 x 841 mm.
Do you have an idea how we can change the papersize for each sheet in the test-pdf flie?
Best Regards
-papersource parameter is included in the latest version of pdfprint.exe application, the date of latest version of pdfprint.exe is 2011-04-01, what is the date of your pdfprint.exe file? When did you purchase the pdfprint command line application?