Product Name: VeryPDF PDFPrint v2.5
Operating System: Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
Dear Sir/Madam,
We bought the verypdf pdfprint command line tool a couple of weeks ago.
But we still have some issues with printing certificates using this
You can find the original pdf file in the attachment. Which quality is
very good.
When I print the pdf using the command line tool with the following
pdfprint.exe -printer "\\vlsrv02b\vlprt02" -lastpage 3 "D:\Original.pdf"
You can see the result in the "pdfprint.pdf" attachment.
If you look for the yellow marked areas, you see that the text is
Also the other text on the second and third page is far worse than the
When I print the pdf using adobe, the quality is still good. See "adobe
acrobat attachment.pdf"
I tried different printers and different page settings in the command
line tool.
Like -paper "pdf", -color 2, -xres -4, yres -4
But no improvement.
-raster improves the quality, but I lose the small margin on top of the
page (which is needed) and on most printers the bottom of the page falls
Can you please help me with this problem, I cannot send these document
to our customers this way.
And we are using multiple different printers for different users.
Thanks in advance.
Kind Regards
Please run following command lines to print your PDF file again,
pdfprint.exe -shell C:\test.pdf
pdfprint.exe -shell2 C:\test.pdf
pdfprint.exe -raster2 C:\test.pdf
pdfprint.exe -printermargins -raster2 C:\test.pdf
pdfprint.exe -raster2 -rasterbwtext -rasterbitcount 1 -xres 200 -yres 200 C:\input.pdf
pdfprint.exe -useembedfont C:\test.pdf
Can you print your PDF file properly with one of above command lines?
Thanks this issue is solved.
But I have another issue with printing to a printer.
A specific printer does not print the pdf document.
See attached screenshot.
The pdfprint.exe doesn't return any errorcode when printing to this specific printer. The pdf file is correct and will print on other printers.
The printer is also working correctly, other programs are able to print to this printer without problems.
So my queation is, why does did printer not print?
And why is there no errormessage returned?
Please use IP address to instead of computer name to try again, for example,
original command line is,
pdfprint -printer \\vlsrv02b\vlprt143 test.pdf
please change it to IP address to try again, such as,
pdfprint -printer \\\vlprt143 test.pdf
we hoping IP address will work better for you.
Thanks This solution is working for me!
Good information, thank you.