MHTML is a web file format just like HTML and MHT. If you have MS Word 2010 on your computer, you can use Word 2010 to convert MHTML to PDF by using it to open the MHTML file and save it as PDF. To protect PDF, you need to use Adobe Acrobat. But if you want to convert MHTML to PDF and protect PDF in batch, you’d better download a professional converter such as VeryPDF HTML Converter Command Line.
VeryPDF HTML Converter Command Line does not require any third party application. It can well preserve the layout, multi-columns, images, text, and color from MHTML to PDF. It provides multiple options to set password, key length, and encryption. Besides, it only requires two steps. If you want to download this application, please click VeryPDF HTML Converter Command Line to download it.
The following are the two steps that are required to convert MHTML to PDF and protect PDF.
1. Open the command prompt window
In Windows XP, you can click Start to open the Start menu, >select Run from the menu, > type “cmd” in the Run dialog box, > click OK. Then, the Run dialog box will disappear from the screen, and the command prompt window will appear.
2. Type a command line and press Enter
The basic usage of VeryPDF HTML Converter Command Line is as follows:
- htmltools [options] < MHTML file > [<PDF file>]
The following are some options:
- -openpwd <string> : Set 'open password' to PDF file
- -keylen <int> : Key length (40 or 128 bit)
- -keylen 0: 40 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 3 or higher)
- -keylen 1: 128 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 5 or higher)
- -keylen 2: 128 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 6 or higher)
For example, if you are going to convert MHTML to PDF in batch and protect PDF files by setting open password, you can type a command line as follows,
d:\htmltools\htmltools.exe -openpwd "123river” -keylen 2 d:\*.mhtml c:\*.pdf
- d:\htmltools\htmltools.exe—represent the executable file
- -openpwd "123river”—the option that can specify 123river as the open password for each PDF file
- -keylen 2—specify the key length to be 128 bit RC4 encryption
- d:\*.mhtml—represent all the MHTML files on disk D
- c:\*.pdf—indicate that all the output files should be exported onto disk D
If you want to see more options of VeryPDF HTML Converter Command Line, please type the whole directory of the exectabel file, and press Enter. Now, please try to type a command line, according to your needs. And don’t forget to press Enter. In a few seconds, you will see “result=OK” in the command prompt window. It means that the conversion is done. The free trial version can only be used for multiple times. If you want to buy VeryPDF HTML Converter Command Line, please click Purchase.
This product was purchased to convert MHT files to PDF but it doesn’t work.
Please help. Sample attached.
We suggest you may download and install “Document Converter (docPrint Pro)” from following web page to try,
after you install it, you can run following command line to convert from MHTML files to PDF files,
“C:\Program Files (x86)\docPrint Pro v6.0\doc2pdf.exe” -i D:\downloads\HM_Followers_0000000008.mht -o D:\downloads\HM_Followers_0000000008.pdf
Does your GUI interface allow me to convert MHTL files in different Windows 7 folders to PDF files, ideally in batch fashion? If not, could you recommend software that would do this please?
Thanks for your message, you can use “Document Converter (docPrint Pro)” to convert MHTML files to PDF files in different folders in your system, you may download “Document Converter (docPrint Pro)” from following web page to try,
after you download it, you can run following command line to batch convert all of your MHTML files in D:\test folder and sub-folders to PDF files recursively, just one command line is enough,
for /r D:\test %F in (*.mhtml) do “C:\Program Files (x86)\docPrint Pro v6.0\doc2pdf.exe” -i “%F” -o “%~dpnF.pdf”