PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter allows you to make vivid flash from PDF. PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter also help you edit properties of vivid flash professionally in processes from PDF to flash, and you can experience PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter through one click at here.
PDF to Flash Converter lets you make normal flash from PDF. With PDF to Flash Converter, users also could set flash properties flawlessly during conversions from PDF to flash through command line. To get trial version of PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter, you can click on here.
- How to make vivid flash from PDF?
Usage of PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter:
pdfflip.exe file.pdf outdir [options]
pdfflip.exe c:\source0.pdf d:\outdir0 -pagerange 1,3,4,8-11
pdfflip.exe c:\example1.pdf d:\outdir1 -password 123456
pdfflip.exe c:\original2.pdf d:\outdir2 -zlib -jpegquality 100
pdfflip.exe c:\in3.pdf d:\outdir3 -flatten -zoom 100
Related Parameters:
-pagerange <string>: Set the range of pages for conversion
-password <string>: Decipher PDF with user password
-zlib: Compress Flash with Flash 6 (MX) zlib compression
-jpegquality <int>: Edit quality of embedded JPEG
(0 is worst (small), 100 is best (big). (default:85))
-flatten: Remove as many clip layers from file as possible
-zoom <int>: Edit the resolution of Flash (default: 72)
For more parameters, it is convenient for you to read file “readme” in Zip file of download.
- How to make normal flash from PDF?
Usage of PDF to Flash Converter:
pdftoflash.exe [options] <PDF Files>
pdftoflash.exe -swfopt "-p 2,4,6-8 -z -i -j 75 –t -s zoom=150 f:\in.pdf d:\out.swf
pdftoflash.exe -pagerange "6,7" -swfburst -swfmaxopt -mapfont d:\in.pdf e:\out.swf
pdftoflash.exe -mapfont -swfburst2 -swfflatten -swfmaxopt -swfimagequality 70 -swfimagezoom 1 d:\in.pdf f:\out.swf
Relative parameters:
-pagerange <string>: set page range, e.g., 2,100-200,250-300
-swfopt <string>: set SWF options
-z : Use Flash 6 (MX) zlib compression, e.g., -swfopt "-z"
-p <range>: Convert only pages in range with range, e.g., 1-20 or 1,4,6,9-11 or 3-5,10-12
-j <quality>: Set quality of embedded jpeg pictures to quality. 0 is worst(small), 100 is best (big). (default:80)
-t : Insert a 'stop' command after each page. The resulting SWF file will not turn pages automatically.
-s zoom=factor : Set resolution to SWF file, default: 72DPI
-swfburst: burst PDF file to single page SWF files
-swfflatten: flatten complicated graphics in converted SWF file
-swfmaxopt: compress and optimize SWF files automatically
-swfimagequality <int>: Set quality of images in SWF files, 0 is worst (small), 100 is best (big), default is 85
-swfimagezoom <int>: Resolution adjustment for images in SWF files,
0: same as original PDF file
1: adjust resolution to 1x, quality is worst and file is small
2: adjust resolution to 2x, quality is better than 1
4: adjust resolution to 4x, quality is better than 2
PDF to Flash Converter could help you with more properties in processes from PDF to flash through command line, and for more parameters, likely, it is easy for you to look for them in “readme” file in downloaded Zip.
Any questions about processes from PDF to flash through command line, which are vivid SWF and normal SWF here, can be replied once you email us through support@verypdf.com. For more similar software, please pay attention on our knowledge base.