Well, based on this problem, I think there are 2 situations in processes from PDF to SWF and PDF to HTML through command line that can be listed here:
1. Your PDF file contains different sizes pages and 1st page is not the biggest dimension page so that PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter converts PDF to SWF and PDF to HTML in accordance with first page dimension as default, which is as the dimension of flip book.
2. If you use the specified parameter to edit flip book dimension during conversion from PDF to HTML and PDF to flip book, maybe you edit smaller dimension than dimension of each PDF pages.
Of course, here, to free trial PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter, please click on here; to purchase PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter, please click on here.
Here is the original flip book produced from PDF file, which contains incomplete page:
Here is the adjusted flip book according to original flip book:
Did you see the difference between two pictures above?
I believe you did notice the difference between them. So to ensure your different size PDF pages in one PDF file can be complete displayed in flip book, here is the solution below:
Make flip book dimension as same as dimension of biggest PDF page, which can promise you all of your PDF pages can display complete in flip book from PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter.
For instance, if your PDF page dimension is 600x1000, you need to do the following during conversion from PDF to SWF and PDF to HTML through command line:
pdfflip.exe f:\input\test.pdf d:\output -pw 600 -ph 1000
(note: -pw 600 : edit page width of flip book as 600; -ph 1000 : edit page height of flip book as 1000)
Then, proper flip book with complete page display can be generated from PDF file accurately and easily! And of course, you also can set larger width and height of flip book than the ones largest PDF page possesses, as long as it allows.
As you can see, PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter can provide you vivid flip book – vivid SWF file and HTML file, which can be embedded in any websites. But sometime, you may want to produce only static SWF file, then maybe PDF to Flash Converter can be your best choice! PDF to Flash Converter is also a command line tool which allows Windows users to convert PDF to SWF with distinct properties singly or in batches etc.. Anyway, it is your decision to choose software, but I really recommend PDF to Flash Converter strongly to you, for it is really a powerful tool! By the way, our company has been engaged in designing online flip book maker from local PDF file, so for any creative idea, which can improve online flip book maker, please do not hesitate to contact us through support@verypdf.com, then a mysterious gift may be yours! Please remember we are always waiting for you!