I have a PowerShell script running,
$verypdf='C:\Program Files\verypdf\pdfprint_cmd\pdfprint.exe'
Get-ChildItem "$scanlogdir\*.log" | Where LastWriteTime -LT (Get-Date).AddDays(-15) | Remove-Item -Confirm:$false
$scanlogname = Join-Path -Path $scanlogdir -ChildPath
"$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)-$(Get-Date -Format 'MM-dd-yyyy').log"
echo "$(get-date) - Checking for any scanned pdf files in $scandir" | Out-File -Append $scanlogname
Get-ChildItem -Path $scandir -filter "*.pdf"| % {
"$(get-date) - Printing file - $pdftoprint on Printer - $printername" |
Out-File -Append $scanlogname
echo $verypdf
& $verypdf "-$" XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -raster2 -printer $printername $scandir\$pdftoprint | Out-File -Append $scanlogname
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
#sleep 30
"$(get-date) - Moving file - $pdftoprint to - $scanbackdir directory" | Out-File -Append $scanlogname
Move-Item -force $scandir\$pdftoprint $scanbackdir | Out-File -Append
sleep 2
Thank you for choosing 'VeryPDF PDFPrint Command Line' product.
Can't locate the "ET0021B7219675" printer in this computer, please
double check the printer name and to try again.
verypdf list printers:
C:\Program Files\verypdf\pdfprint_cmd\pdfprint.exe" -listprinter
AnyDesk Printer
DHL Drucker
Microsoft Print to PDF
Microsoft XPS Document Writer
OneNote for Windows 10
ZDesigner GK420d
Zebra GK420d UPS
Help urgently needed!
Thanks for your message, we suggest you may run following command line by manual to try again,
pdfprint.exe -debug -printer "ET0021B7219675" D:\test.pdf
Could you please print the PDF file to "ET0021B7219675" printer properly by above command line?