Watermarks position in pdf print command line

Good morning,

We have installed Pdfprint version 2.5.

I am currently trying to put a watermark onto our pdf documents when printed. I ideally wanted the watermark in the footer, however when I use wtype 2 I dont get any watermark. I get the same result if I try the header wtype 1.

I am therefore trying to put co-ordinates in for example wx 7500 wy 10000 however I then need different variables for different paper sizes. Is there any reason the header and footer may not be working? Or an easier way to set my co-ordinates, I would be grateful for any help.

Thank you and regards,
Is this a known problem with the watermark and not a problem we are just facing?

As I am now having to use different co-ordinates instead to place the watermark, is there a command I can use which finds the default paper size of the document, which I can then use to determine which co-ordinates to give the watermark?
Maybe this is not a "problem", because "wtype 1" and "wtype 2" (header and footer) watermarks are using the absolute co-ordinates, the absolute co-ordinates are difference for different paper size from PDF pages, it is also affected by paper size and DPI resolution of target printer, this is the reason why you need change the X, Y co-ordinates for different PDF files.

We will try to use percentage (scale ratio) for the position of the header and footer watermarks in the next version of pdfprint command line application, for example,

pdfprint.exe -wtext "Watermark" -wtype 1 -wx 10% -wy 10% C:\input.pdf

"percentage" will calculate the co-ordinate automatically, this will solve your problem completely.

Also, pdpfrint.exe hasn't an option to retrieve the paper size from PDF file, the co-ordinates is not affected by PDF paper size only, but also affected by printer's paper size and DPI settings.

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