pdfprint problem

Recently we have purchased your pdf solution for prints pdf for line command
We use the software for prints labels that are generated online our operating system is windows xp.
But some of then no are printed and pdfprint returns error 11.
Thank you for choosing our product.
Printing '1.PDF' file...
Printing 1 page...
Time of printing is: 157ms(0.16s)
Exit Code = 11
can you help us ? I upload the errorred pdf.
Thanks for your message, please refer to following error codes,

int WINAPI VeryPDF_PDFPrint(LPCTSTR lpCommand)

Return values:
0: Print PDF file successfully.
-10: PDFPrint Library is damaged.
-11: Something is wrong in the command line options.
-101: Can’t start “spooler” service, please start “spooler” service from Service Manager by manual.
-4: Can’t locate specify printer in this computer.
-12: Can’t open specify printer.
-13: Something is wrong when set options to printer.
-5: No input PDF file for printing.
9: Password Required to open this PDF file.
Other values: Something is wrong during render PDF file.

Please refer to more technologies about pdfprint at following web page,

Reviewing your list, it seems that the error due me is "-11: Something is wrong in the command line options.",
but is a message too general to know what is the problem, especially when the line that I use is "pdfprint 1.pdf" can't be more simpler.

I have sent the file you the file that I try to print, you can give more specific help?
Please deliver the full path of PDF file to VeryPDF_PDFPrint() function to try again, for example,

char *lpPDFName = "D:\temp\1.pdf";

char szCommandLine[1024];
sprintf(szCommandLine,"pdfprint \"-$\" \"%s\" -pdforient 4 -scalex -1 -scaley -1 \"%s\"", lpRegcode,lpPDFName);
int nRet = VeryPDF_PDFPrint(szCommandLine);
printf("Return Value = %d\n",nRet);

We hoping above sample code will work fine to you, please give it a try.

If you are using PDFPrint Command Line application, you can run following command line to print your PDF file in CMD window,

Pdfprint.exe C:\test.pdf

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